Expertise to boost your performance

You want to do the technical design of your company’s website, develop a showcase website like for example, create an e-shop to sell your products online, climb up the search engine rankings or develop a graphic charter that circulates your values? You’ve come to the right place. We accompany you in all your web projects from the simplest to the most complex.

Graphic and ergonomic design of a website from scratch or redesign of an existing corporate website.

Graphic design: graphic charter, logo creation, typography, colour palette, fonts, quality images…

The SEO strategy ensures greater visibility and thus more qualified traffic to your website.

Taking care of your image is paramount on the canvas. It is therefore important to give special attention to the graphic design of all your web interfaces.

Creativity is required on the web in order to have web pages that incite web users to click, react or proceed to the act of purchase when selling online.

The design of a website must be user experience oriented. UX design, UI design, responsive design… Several terminologies but only one goal, that of offering the user a good experience on your website whatever the digital medium he uses. You should not miss the ergonomic aspect either, because it is a must.

Content marketing is a key part of your marketing strategy.

Animate your social networks and manage your community on social media.

Google Adwords and various other solutions for online advertising.

A social media strategy should be one of the components of your digital strategy. It’s up to you to choose the right social networks, set the right marketing tone and choose the format of your posts.

It is difficult to get optimal results from the very first days. You need to fine-tune your strategy and adopt the best formats, estimate the right frequency of publication and focus your efforts on the most effective social channel in your case.

A good natural referencing guarantees a better ranking in search engine results. This positioning ensures quality traffic on all your web pages.

The SEO audit is like a consultation with a doctor. You will have the gaps and blocking points of your website traffic.

With the information gathered during the audit, the website and its contents are optimised and a publication strategy is put in place.

The creation of traffic is a process of initiation to the conquest of new customers. Several techniques are possible.